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October 18, 2018
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Author Bibi Belford Visits Book Fair Author Bibi Belford Visits Book Fair

Mrs. Barbara Belford, a retired reading teacher at Allen Elementary School and author, visited the book fair at Allen Thursday, October 18th.  Mrs. Belford was promoting her newest book, Another D for DeeDee and was signing copies of all three of her books: Canned and Crushed, Crossing the Line and Another D for DeeDee.  

Students were excited to meet an author and couldn’t wait to get their hands on their own copy, signed by the author herself!  






Mrs. Barbara Belford, a retired reading teacher at Allen Elementary School and author, visited the book fair at Allen Thursday, October 18th.  Mrs. Belford was promoting her newest book, Another D for DeeDee and was signing copies of all three of her books: Canned and Crushed, Crossing the Line and Another D for DeeDee.  

Students were excited to meet an author and couldn’t wait to get their hands on their own copy, signed by the author herself!  



